Source code for bionic.flow

Contains the FlowBuilder and Flow classes, which implement the core workflow
construction and execution APIs (respectively).

import os
import shutil
import warnings
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
from importlib import reload

import pyrsistent as pyrs
import pandas as pd

# A bit annoying that we have to rename this when we import it.
from . import protocols as protos
from .cache import LocalStore, GcsCloudStore, PersistentCache
from .datatypes import CaseKey, VersioningPolicy
from .exception import (
    UndefinedEntityError, AlreadyDefinedEntityError, IncompatibleEntityError)
from .provider import (
    ValueProvider, multi_index_from_case_keys, as_provider,
    provider_wrapper, AttrUpdateProvider)
from .deriver import EntityDeriver
from . import decorators
from .util import (
    group_pairs, check_exactly_one_present, check_at_most_one_present,
    copy_to_gcs, FileCopier,

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = protos.CombinedProtocol(

# We use an immutable persistent data structure to represent our state.  This
# has several advantages:
# 1. We can provide both a mutable (FlowBuilder) and immutable (Flow) interface
# to the state without worrying about the mutable interface breaking the
# immutable one.
# 2. It's easy to provide exception safety: when FlowBuilder is performing an
# update, it only adopts the new state at the very end.  If something fails
# and throws an exception partway through, the state remains unchanged.
# 3. We can maintain a single "blessed" state object that's eligible for
# reloading.
class FlowState(pyrs.PClass):
    Contains the state for a Flow or FlowBuilder object.  This is a
    "pyrsistent" class, which means it's immutable, but a modified copy can be
    efficiently created with the set() method.

    providers_by_name = pyrs.field(initial=pyrs.pmap())
    default_provider_names = pyrs.field(initial=pyrs.pset())
    last_added_case_key = pyrs.field(initial=None)

    # These are used to keep track of whether a flow state is safe to reload.
    # To keep things sane, we try to ensure that there is at most one flow
    # with a given name that's eligible for reload.  This is the first flow
    # created by a builder, and it's marked as "blessed".  Any modified
    # versions of the flow are ineligible for blessing, as are any other flows
    # created by the same builder.
    # This reloading behavior is pretty finicky and magical, but thankfully
    # it shouldn't have much effect on code that doesn't use it.
    can_be_blessed = pyrs.field(initial=True)
    is_blessed = pyrs.field(initial=False)

    def bless(self):
        assert self.can_be_blessed and not self.is_blessed
        return self.set(is_blessed=True, can_be_blessed=False)

    def touch(self):
        return self.set(is_blessed=False)

    def get_provider(self, name):
        if name not in self.providers_by_name:
            raise UndefinedEntityError.for_name(name)
        return self.providers_by_name[name]

    def has_provider(self, name):
        return name in self.providers_by_name

    def create_provider(self, name, protocol, docstring):
        if name in self.providers_by_name:
            raise AlreadyDefinedEntityError.for_name(name)

        provider = ValueProvider(name, protocol, docstring)
        return self._set_provider(provider).touch()

    def install_provider(self, provider):
        for name in provider.attrs.names:
            if name in self.providers_by_name:
                raise AlreadyDefinedEntityError.for_name(name)

        return self._set_provider(provider).touch()

    def add_case(self, name, case_key, value):
        provider = self.get_provider(name).copy_if_mutable()
        if not isinstance(provider, ValueProvider):
            raise ValueError("Can't add case to function entity %r" % name)
        provider.check_can_add_case(case_key, value)
        provider.add_case(case_key, value)

        return self._set_provider(provider).touch()

    def clear_providers(self, names):
        state = self

        # Remember the original provider attributes per entity.
        attrs_by_entity_name = {}
        for name in names:
            if not state.has_provider(name):
            provider = self.get_provider(name)
            attrs_by_entity_name[name] = provider.attrs

        # Delete the providers (or fail if not possible).
        state = state.delete_providers(names)

        # Recreate an empty version of each provider.
        for name, attrs in attrs_by_entity_name.items():
            protocol = attrs.protocols[attrs.names.index(name)]
            state = state.create_provider(name, protocol, attrs.docstring)

        return state.touch()

        # TODO Consider checking downstream entity providers too.

    def delete_providers(self, names):
        state = self

        for name in names:
            # Make sure the name is safe to delete.
            if not state.has_provider(name):
            provider = state.get_provider(name)

            joint_names = provider.get_joint_names()
            for related_name in joint_names:
                if related_name not in names:
                    raise IncompatibleEntityError(
                        "Can't remove cases for entity %r without also "
                        "removing entities %r" % (name, joint_names))

            # Delete it.
            state = state._erase_provider(name)

        return state.touch()

    def mark_all_providers_default(self):
        state = self

        new_default_names = pyrs.pset(state.providers_by_name.keys())
        state = state.set(default_provider_names=new_default_names)

        return state.touch()

    def _erase_provider(self, name):
        state = self
        if name in state.providers_by_name:
            state = state.set(
        if name in state.default_provider_names:
            state = state.set(default_provider_names=(
        return state

    def _set_provider(self, provider):
        state = self
        for name in provider.attrs.names:
            state = state._erase_provider(name)
            state = state.set(
                providers_by_name=state.providers_by_name.set(name, provider))
        return state

[docs]class FlowBuilder(object): """ A mutable builder for Flows. Allows ``Flow`` objects to be constructed incrementally. Use ``declare``, ``assign``, ``set``, and/or ``__call__`` to add entities to the builder, then use ``build`` to convert it into a Flow. Parameters ---------- name: String Identifies the flow and provides a namespace for cached data. """ # --- Public API. def __init__(self, name, _state=None): if _state is None: if name is None: raise ValueError("A name must be provided") self._state = create_default_flow_state() self._set_name(name) else: assert name is None self._state = _state
[docs] def build(self): """ Constructs a ``Flow`` object from this builder's state. The returned flow is immutable and will not be affected by future changes to this builder's state. """ state = self._state if state.can_be_blessed: state = state.bless() flow = Flow._from_state(state) flow._deriver.get_ready() self._state = state.touch() return flow
[docs] def declare(self, name, protocol=None, docstring=None): """ Creates a new entity but does not assign it a value. The entity must not already exist. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the new entity. protocol: Protocol, optional The entity's protocol. The default is a smart type-detecting protocol. docstring: String, optional Description of the new entity. """ if protocol is None: protocol = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL self._state = self._state.create_provider(name, protocol, docstring)
[docs] def assign(self, name, value=None, values=None, protocol=None, docstring=None): """ Creates a new entity and assigns it a value. Exactly one of ``value`` or ``values`` must be provided. The entity must not already exist. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the new entity. value: Object, optional A single value for the entity. values: Sequence, optional A sequence of values for the entity. protocol: Protocol, optional The entity's protocol. The default is a smart type-detecting protocol. docstring: String, optional Description of the new entity. """ check_at_most_one_present(value=value, values=values) if values is None: values = [value] if protocol is None: protocol = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL for value in values: protocol.validate(value) state = self._state state = state.create_provider(name, protocol, docstring) for value in values: case_key = CaseKey([(name, value, protocol.tokenize(value))]) state = state.add_case(name, case_key, value) self._state = state
[docs] def set(self, name, value=None, values=None): """ Sets the value of an existing entity. Exactly one of ``value`` or ``values`` must be provided. The entity must already exist and may already have a value (which will be overwritten). Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the new entity. value: Object, optional A single value for the entity. values: Sequence, optional A sequence of values for the entity. """ check_at_most_one_present(value=value, values=values) if values is None: values = [value] state = self._state state = state.clear_providers([name]) provider = state.get_provider(name) # This provider must have a single name and single protocol; otherwise # we wouldn't have been able to clear it. protocol, = provider.attrs.protocols protocol.validate(value) for value in values: case_key = CaseKey([(name, value, protocol.tokenize(value))]) state = state.add_case(name, case_key, value) self._state = state
# TODO Should we allow undeclared names? Having to declare them first is # basically always clunky and annoying, but should we allow add_case to # create new entities? (On the other hand, it sort of makes sense in cases # where we're using add_case('label', text).then_set('var', value) in order # to add a clean label to an unhashable value. In that case it'd be nice # that we can create new entities even on a Flow.)
[docs] def add_case(self, *name_values): """ Adds a "case": a collection of associated values for a set of entities. Assigning entity values by case is an alternative to ``set`` (or ``assign``). If ``set`` is used to set multiple values for some entities, then every combination of those values will be considered for downstream entities. On the other hand, if ``add_case`` is used, only the specified combinations will be considered. Example Using ``assign``: .. code-block:: python builder = FlowBuilder() builder.assign('first_name', values=['Alice', 'Bob']) builder.assign('last_name', values=['Smith', 'Jones']) @builder def full_name(first_name, last_name): return first_name + ' ' + last_name # Prints: {'Alice Jones', 'Alice Smith', 'Bob Jones', 'Bob Smith'} print('full_name', set)) Example using ``add_case``: .. code-block:: python builder = FlowBuilder() builder.declare('first_name') builder.declare('last_name') builder.add_case('first_name', 'Alice', 'last_name', 'Jones') builder.add_case('first_name', 'Alice', 'last_name', 'Smith') builder.add_case('first_name', 'Bob', 'last_name', 'Smith') @builder def full_name(first_name, last_name): return first_name + ' ' + last_name print('full_name', set)) # Prints: {'Alice Jones', 'Alice Smith', 'Bob Smith'} All entities must already exist. They may have existing values, but those values must have been set case-by-case with the same structure as this call. Parameters ---------- name_values: String/Object Alternating entity names and values. Returns ------- FlowCase An object which can be used to set values on additional entities with this case. """ name_value_pairs = group_pairs(name_values) state = self._state case_nvt_tuples = [] for name, value in name_value_pairs: provider = state.get_provider(name) if len(provider.attrs.protocols) > 1: raise IncompatibleEntityError( "Can't add case for entity co-generated with other " "entities %r" % (tuple(provider.attrs.names),)) protocol, = provider.attrs.protocols protocol.validate(value) token = protocol.tokenize(value) case_nvt_tuples.append((name, value, token)) case_key = CaseKey(case_nvt_tuples) for name, value, _ in case_nvt_tuples: state = state.add_case(name, case_key, value) case = FlowCase(self, case_key) state = state.set(last_added_case_key=case.key) self._state = state return case
[docs] def clear_cases(self, *names): """ Removes all values assigned to one or more entities. The values will still exist, but not have any values, as if they had just been created with ``declare``. If any of the entities were set in a group using ``add_case``, they must all be cleared together. Parameters ---------- names: Sequence of strings The entities whose values should be cleared. """ self._state = self._state.clear_providers(names)
[docs] def delete(self, *names): """ Deletes one or more entities. If any of the entities were set in a group using ``add_case``, they must all be cleared together. Parameters ---------- names: Sequence of strings The entities to be deleted. """ self._state = self._state.delete_providers(names)
[docs] def merge(self, flow, keep='error', allow_name_match=False): """ Updates this builder by importing all entities from another flow. If any incoming entity has the same name as an existing entity, the conflict is resolved by apply the following rules, in order: 1. The name (`core__flow_name`) of this builder is never changed; the original value is always kept. 2. Entities that were set by default (not explicitly set by the user) are never imported and can be overwritten. 3. Assignments (definitions with values) take precedence over declarations (definitions with no values). 4. Otherwise, the ``keep`` parameter can be used to specify which entity to keep. Parameters ---------- flow: Flow Any Bionic Flow. keep: 'error', 'self', or 'arg' (default: 'error') How to handle conflicting entity names. Options: * 'error': throw an ``AlreadyDefinedEntityError`` * 'self' or 'old': use the definition from this builder * 'arg' or 'new': use the definition from ``flow`` allow_name_match: boolean (default: False) Allows the incoming flow to have the same name as this builder. (If this is False, we handle duplicate names by throwing an exception. It's technically possible to share a name between flows, but it's generally not good practice.) """ # These are the two states we're going to merge. new_state = flow._state old_state = self._state # Check that the flows don't have the same name. # TODO The mechanics of this check really suck, since this builder's # name is stored like any other entity, but we have to figure it out # without using an EntityDeriver. Since this is a best-effort check, I # guess it's not a huge deal. But overall, the way we store a flow's # name might deserve to be revisited later. if not allow_name_match: old_name_provider = old_state.providers_by_name.get( 'core__flow_name') if ( old_name_provider is not None and isinstance(old_name_provider, ValueProvider) and len(old_name_provider._values_by_case_key.keys()) == 1): old_flow_name, = old_name_provider._values_by_case_key.values() new_flow_name = if old_flow_name == new_flow_name and not allow_name_match: raise ValueError( "Attempting to merge two flows with the same name (%r). " "Sharing names between flows is generally unwise, since " "they will then also share the same cache space; however, " "you can disable this check by passing " "``allow_name_match=True``" % new_flow_name) # Identify all the names that could appear in the merged flow, and # associate each one with a potential conflict. all_names = set(old_state.providers_by_name.keys()).union( new_state.providers_by_name.keys()) conflicts_by_name = { name: MergeConflict( old_state=old_state, new_state=new_state, name=name) for name in all_names } # Resolve each conflict individually. for conflict in conflicts_by_name.values(): if conflict.old_provider is None: conflict.resolve('new', 'no conflicting definition') continue if conflict.new_provider is None: conflict.resolve('old', 'no conflicting definition') continue if == 'core__flow_name': conflict.resolve('old', 'flow name is never merged') continue if conflict.new_is_default: conflict.resolve('old', 'conflicting definition is default') continue if conflict.old_is_default: conflict.resolve('new', 'conflicting definition is default') continue if conflict.old_protocol is conflict.new_protocol: if conflict.new_is_only_declaration: conflict.resolve( 'old', 'conflicting definition has matching protocol and ' 'no value') continue elif conflict.old_is_only_declaration: conflict.resolve( 'new', 'conflicting definition has matching protocol and ' 'no value') continue if keep == 'error': raise AlreadyDefinedEntityError( "Merge failure: Entity %r exists in both old and new " "flows; use the ``keep`` argument to specify which to " "keep" % elif keep == 'self': conflict.resolve('old', 'keep=self') continue elif keep == 'arg': conflict.resolve('new', 'keep=arg') continue elif keep == 'old': conflict.resolve('old', 'keep=old') continue elif keep == 'new': conflict.resolve('new', 'keep=new') continue raise ValueError( "Value of ``keep`` must be one of {'error', 'self', 'arg'}; " "got %r" % keep) # For both states, check that each jointly-defined name group is kept # or discarded as a whole. for state_name, state in [ ('old', old_state), ('new', new_state), ]: for provider in state.providers_by_name.values(): names = provider.get_joint_names() if len(names) == 1: continue conflicts = [conflicts_by_name[name] for name in names] kept_conflicts = [ conflict for conflict in conflicts if conflict.resolution == state_name ] discarded_conflicts = [ conflict for conflict in conflicts if conflict.resolution != state_name ] if kept_conflicts and discarded_conflicts: raise IncompatibleEntityError( "Merge failure: Names %r in %s state are defined " "jointly and must be kept or discarded together, but " "merge logic dictates that we keep [%s] and discard " "[%s]; you should manually remove some of these names " "from one of the flows before merging" % ( names, state_name, ', '.join( '%s (%s)' % (, c.reason) for c in kept_conflicts), ', '.join( '%s (%s)' % (, c.reason) for c in discarded_conflicts), )) # Now we start building up our final, merged state. cur_state = old_state conflicts_keeping_new = [ conflict for conflict in conflicts_by_name.values() if conflict.resolution == 'new' ] # First, delete all old providers that collide with our incoming ones. names_to_delete = [ for conflict in conflicts_keeping_new ] try: cur_state = cur_state.delete_providers(names_to_delete) except IncompatibleEntityError as e: raise IncompatibleEntityError("Merge failure: " + e) # Then install each new provider -- keeping in mind that a provider # may have multiple names and hence multiple conflicts, but should be # installed exactly once. providers_to_install = ( { tuple(conflict.new_provider.attrs.names): conflict.new_provider for conflict in conflicts_keeping_new }.values()) for provider in providers_to_install: # For function providers, we attach the name of their original flow # so that their cached data won't be confused with whatever we # had before. if ( not isinstance(provider, ValueProvider) and provider.attrs.orig_flow_name is None): provider = provider_wrapper( AttrUpdateProvider, 'orig_flow_name', new_flow_name )(provider) cur_state = cur_state.install_provider(provider) self._state = cur_state
def __call__(self, func_or_provider): """ Defines an entity by providing a function that derives its value from other entities. By default, the name of the provided function will be the name of the new entity; the arguments of the function should be other entities. If the name of the new entity already exists, it will be overwritten. This function is intended to be used as a decorator. However, as a convenience, a builder can be used as a decorator with the same effect. Parameters ---------- func_or_provider: Function or entity A Python function, optionally decorated with one or more Bionic entity decorators. """ provider = as_provider(func_or_provider) if provider.attrs.protocols is None: provider = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL(provider) if provider.attrs.should_persist is None: provider = decorators.persist(True)(provider) if provider.attrs.should_memoize is None: provider = decorators.memoize(True)(provider) if not (provider.attrs.should_persist or provider.attrs.should_memoize): raise ValueError( "Attempted to set both persist and memoize to False. " "At least one form of storage must be enabled for entities: %r " % (func_or_provider.attrs.names) ) state = self._state state = state.delete_providers(provider.attrs.names) state = state.install_provider(provider) self._state = state return provider.get_source_func()
[docs] def derive(self, func_or_provider): """ (Deprecated) An alias for ``__call__``; use that instead. """ warnings.warn( "FlowBuilder.derive is deprecated and will be repurposed in the " "future; use FlowBuilder.__call__ (i.e., using the builder as a " "decorator) instead.") return self.derive(func_or_provider)
# --- Private helpers. @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): return cls(name=None, _state=state) @classmethod def _with_empty_state(cls): return cls(name=None, _state=FlowState()) def _set_name(self, name): self.set('core__flow_name', name) def _set_for_case_key(self, case_key, name, value): self._state = self._state.add_case(name, case_key, value) def _set_for_last_case(self, name, value): last_case_key = self._state.last_added_case_key if last_case_key is None: raise ValueError( "A case must have been added before calling this method") self._set_for_case_key(last_case_key, name, value)
class MergeConflict(object): def __init__(self, old_state, new_state, name): = name self.old_provider = old_state.providers_by_name.get(name) self.new_provider = new_state.providers_by_name.get(name) self.old_is_default = name in old_state.default_provider_names self.new_is_default = name in new_state.default_provider_names @property def old_protocol(self): return self._protocol_for_provider(self.old_provider) @property def new_protocol(self): return self._protocol_for_provider(self.new_provider) def _protocol_for_provider(self, provider): assert provider is not None name_ix = provider.attrs.names.index( return provider.attrs.protocols[name_ix] @property def old_is_only_declaration(self): return self._provider_is_only_declaration(self.old_provider) @property def new_is_only_declaration(self): return self._provider_is_only_declaration(self.new_provider) def _provider_is_only_declaration(self, provider): return ( isinstance(provider, ValueProvider) and not provider.has_any_cases()) def resolve(self, resolution, reason): self.resolution = resolution self.reason = reason
[docs]class FlowCase(object): """ A specific case for which entities can have associated values. These should be constructed by the ``FlowBuilder`` object, not by users. """ def __init__(self, builder, key): self.key = key self._builder = builder
[docs] def then_set(self, name, value): """Sets a single value for an entity for this case.""" self._builder._set_for_case_key(self.key, name, value) return self
[docs]class Flow(object): """ An immutable workflow object. You can use get() to compute any entity in the workflow, or setting() to create a new workflow with modifications. Not all modifications are possible with this interface, but to_builder() can be used to get a mutable FlowBuilder version of a Flow. """ # --- Public API.
[docs] def all_entity_names(self, include_core=False): """ Returns a list of all declared entity names in this flow. Parameters ---------- include_core: Boolean, optional (default false) Include internal entities used for Bionic infrastructure. """ return [ name for name in self._state.providers_by_name.keys() if include_core or not self._deriver.entity_is_internal(name) ]
[docs] def entity_protocol(self, name): """ Returns the protocol for a given entity. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of an entity. """ return self._state.get_provider(name).protocol_for_name(name)
[docs] def entity_docstring(self, name): """ Returns the docstring for the named entity if a docstring is defined, otherwise return None. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of an entity. """ return self._state.get_provider(name).attrs.docstring
[docs] def to_builder(self): """ Returns a ``FlowBuilder`` with a copy of this ``Flow``'s state. Since this flow is immutable, it won't be affected by any changes to the returned builder. """ return FlowBuilder._from_state(self._state)
[docs] def get(self, name, collection=None, fmt=None, mode=object): """ Computes the value(s) associated with an entity. If the entity has multiple values, the ``collection`` parameter indicates how to handle them. It can have any of the following values: * ``None``: return a single value or throw an exception * ``list`` or ``'list'``: return a list of values * ``set`` or ``'set'``: return a set of values * ``pandas.Series`` or ``'series'``: return a series whose index is the root cases distinguishing the different values The user can specify the type of object (implicitly specifying in-memory vs. persisted data) to return in the collection using the ``mode`` parameter. It can have any of the following values: * ``object`` or ``'object'`` for a value in-memory * ``'FileCopier'`` for a wrapper for a path to the persisted file for the computed entity * ``Path`` or ``'path'`` for a path to persisted file * ``'filename'`` for a string representing a path to a persisted file Parameters ---------- name: String The name of an entity. collection: String or type, optional, default is ``None`` The data structure to use if the entity has multiple values. fmt: String or type, optional, default is ``None`` The data structure to use if the entity has multiple values. Deprecated in favor of ``collection`` and will be removed in future release. mode: String or type, optional, default is ``object`` The type of object to return in the collection. Returns ------- The value of the entity, or a collection containing its values. """ result_group = self._deriver.derive(name) if mode is object or mode == 'object': values = [result.value for result in result_group] else: # all other modes expect the entity to be persisted result_file_paths = [result.file_path for result in result_group] if None in result_file_paths: raise ValueError( "Entity %r is not persisted but persisted file is expected by mode %r" % (name, mode)) if mode is Path or mode == 'path': values = result_file_paths elif mode == 'FileCopier': values = [FileCopier(fp) for fp in result_file_paths] elif mode == 'filename': values = [str(fp) for fp in result_file_paths] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode %r" % mode) check_at_most_one_present(fmt=fmt, collection=collection) if fmt: warnings.warn( "The fmt argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. " "Please use collection as a replacement.") collection = fmt or collection if collection is None or collection is object: if len(values) == 0: raise ValueError("Entity %r has no defined values" % name) if len(values) > 1: raise ValueError("Entity %r has multiple values" % name) return values[0] elif collection is list or collection == 'list': return values elif collection is set or collection == 'set': return set(values) elif collection is pd.Series or collection == 'series': if len(result_group.key_space) > 0: index = multi_index_from_case_keys( case_keys=[ result.query.case_key for result in result_group], ordered_key_names=list(result_group.key_space), ) else: index = None return pd.Series( name=name, data=values, index=index, ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized collection type %r" % collection)
# TODO Maybe this wants to be two different functions?
[docs] def export(self, name, file_path=None, dir_path=None): """ Provides access to the persisted file corresponding to an entity. Note: this method is deprecated and the same functionality is available through Flow#get. Can be called in three ways: .. code-block:: python # Returns a path to the persisted file. export(name) # Copies the persisted file to the specified file path. export(name, file_path=path) # Copies the persisted file to the specified directory. export(name, dir_path=path) The entity must be persisted and have only one instance. The dir_path and file_path options support paths on GCS, specified like: gs://mybucket/subdir/ """ warnings.warn( "Flow#export is deprecated and the same functionality is available through Flow#get.") result_group = self._deriver.derive(name) if len(result_group) != 1: raise ValueError( "Can only export an entity if it has a single value; " "entity %r has %d values" % (name, len(result_group))) result, = result_group if result.file_path is None: raise ValueError("Entity %r is not locally persisted" % name) src_file_path = result.file_path if dir_path is None and file_path is None: return src_file_path check_exactly_one_present(dir_path=dir_path, file_path=file_path) if dir_path is not None: dst_dir_path = Path(dir_path) filename = name + src_file_path.suffix dst_file_path = dst_dir_path / filename else: dst_file_path = Path(file_path) dst_dir_path = dst_file_path.parent if not dst_dir_path.exists() and 'gs:/' not in str(dst_dir_path): dst_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True) dst_file_path_str = str(dst_file_path) if dst_file_path_str.startswith('gs:/'): # The path object combines // into /, so we revert it here copy_to_gcs( str(src_file_path), dst_file_path_str.replace('gs:/', 'gs://')) else: shutil.copyfile(str(src_file_path), dst_file_path_str)
[docs] def declaring(self, name, protocol=None): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.declare``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.declare(name, protocol))
[docs] def assigning(self, name, value=None, values=None, protocol=None): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.assign``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.assign( name, value, values, protocol))
[docs] def setting(self, name, value=None, values=None): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.set``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.set(name, value, values))
[docs] def adding_case(self, *name_values): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.add_case``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.add_case(*name_values))
[docs] def then_setting(self, name, value): """ Like ``FlowCase.then_set``, but returns a new copy of this flow. Use after calling ``Flow.adding_case``. """ return self._updating( lambda builder: builder._set_for_last_case(name, value))
[docs] def clearing_cases(self, *names): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.clear_cases``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.clear_cases(*names))
[docs] def merging(self, flow, keep='error'): """ Like ``FlowBuilder.merge``, but returns a new copy of this flow. """ return self._updating(lambda builder: builder.merge(flow, keep))
@property def name(self): """Returns the name of this flow.""" return self.get('core__flow_name')
[docs] def render_dag(self, include_core=False, vertical=False, curvy_lines=False): """ Returns an image with a visualization of this flow's DAG. Will fail if Graphviz is not installed on the system. """ from . import dagviz graph = self._deriver.export_dag(include_core) dot = dagviz.dot_from_graph(graph, vertical, curvy_lines) image = dagviz.image_from_dot(dot) return image
# TODO Should we offer an in-place version of this? It's contrary to the # idea of an immutable API, but it might be more natural for the user, and # reloading is already updating global state....
[docs] def reloading(self): """ Attempts to reload all modules used directly by this flow. For safety, this only works if this flow meets the following requirements: * is the first Flow built by its FlowBuilder * has never been modified (i.e., isn't derived from another Flow) * is assigned to a top-level variable in a module that one of its functions is defined in The most straightforward way to meet these requirements is to define your flow in a module as: .. code-block:: python builder = ... @builder def ... ... flow = and then import in the notebook like so: .. code-block:: python from mymodule import flow ... flow.reloading().get('my_entity') This will reload the modules and use the most recent version of the flow before doing the ``get()``. """ # TODO If we wanted, I think we could support reloading on modified # versions of flows by keeping a copy of the original blessed flow, # plus all the operations performed to get to the current version. # Then if we want to reload, we reload the blessed flow and re-apply # those operations. from sys import modules as module_registry state = self._state if not state.is_blessed: raise ValueError( "A flow can only be reloaded if it's the first flow built " "from its builder and it hasn't been modified") self_name = module_names = set() for provider in state.providers_by_name.values(): source_func = provider.get_source_func() if source_func is None: continue module_names.add(source_func.__module__) blessed_candidate_flows = [] unblessed_candidate_flows = [] for module_name in module_names: module = reload(module_registry[module_name]) for key in dir(module): element = getattr(module, key) if not isinstance(element, Flow): continue flow = element if != self_name: continue if not flow._state.is_blessed: unblessed_candidate_flows.append(flow) else: blessed_candidate_flows.append(flow) if len(blessed_candidate_flows) == 0: if len(unblessed_candidate_flows) > 0: raise Exception( "Found a matching flow, but it had been modified" % self_name) else: raise Exception( "Couldn't find any flow named %r in modules %r" % ( self_name, module_names)) if len(blessed_candidate_flows) > 1: raise Exception( "Too many flows named %r in modules %r; found %d, wanted 1" % ( self_name, module_names, len(blessed_candidate_flows))) flow, = blessed_candidate_flows return flow
# --- Private helpers. @classmethod def _from_state(self, state): return Flow(_official=True, state=state) def __init__(self, state, _official=False): if not _official: raise ValueError( "Don't construct this class directly; " "use one of the classmethod constructors") self._state = state self._deriver = EntityDeriver(state) self.get = ShortcutProxy(self.get) self.setting = ShortcutProxy(self.setting) def _updating(self, builder_update_func): builder = FlowBuilder._from_state(self._state) builder_update_func(builder) return Flow._from_state(builder._state)
class ShortcutProxy(object): ''' Wraps a method on a Flow object to allow it to be called via an alternative style. Original style: flow.get('my_entity') flow.setting('my_entity', 7) Alternative style: flow.get.my_entity() flow.setting.my_entity(7) The advantage of the alternative style is that it can be autocompleted in IPython, Jupyter, etc. ''' def __init__(self, wrapped_method): self._wrapped_method = wrapped_method self._flow = wrapped_method.__self__ assert isinstance(self._flow, Flow) self.__doc__ = self._wrapped_method.__doc__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs) def __dir__(self): return self._flow.all_entity_names() def __getattr__(self, name): def partial(*args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_method(name, *args, **kwargs) partial.__doc__ = self._flow.entity_docstring(name) return partial # Construct a default state object. def create_default_flow_state(): builder = FlowBuilder._with_empty_state() builder.declare('core__flow_name') builder.assign('core__persistent_cache__global_dir', 'bndata') builder.assign('core__versioning_mode', 'manual') @builder @decorators.immediate def core__versioning_policy(core__versioning_mode): if core__versioning_mode == 'manual': return VersioningPolicy( treat_bytecode_as_functional=False, check_for_bytecode_errors=False, ) elif core__versioning_mode == 'assist': return VersioningPolicy( treat_bytecode_as_functional=False, check_for_bytecode_errors=True, ) elif core__versioning_mode == 'auto': return VersioningPolicy( treat_bytecode_as_functional=True, check_for_bytecode_errors=False, ) else: raise ValueError( "core__versioning_mode must be one of %r; got %r" % ( ('manual', 'assist', 'auto'), core__versioning_mode)) @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache__flow_dir( core__persistent_cache__global_dir, core__flow_name): return os.path.join( core__persistent_cache__global_dir, core__flow_name) builder.assign('core__persistent_cache__gcs__bucket_name', None) builder.assign('core__persistent_cache__gcs__enabled', False) @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache__gcs__object_path(): import getpass return '%s/bndata/' % getpass.getuser() @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache__gcs__url( core__persistent_cache__gcs__bucket_name, core__persistent_cache__gcs__object_path): bucket_name = core__persistent_cache__gcs__bucket_name object_path_str = core__persistent_cache__gcs__object_path if bucket_name is None: return None path = PosixPath(bucket_name) / object_path_str return 'gs://%s' % path @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache__local_store( core__persistent_cache__flow_dir, ): local_flow_dir = core__persistent_cache__flow_dir return LocalStore(local_flow_dir) @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache__cloud_store( core__persistent_cache__gcs__url, core__persistent_cache__gcs__enabled, ): gcs_url = core__persistent_cache__gcs__url gcs_enabled = core__persistent_cache__gcs__enabled if gcs_enabled: if gcs_url is None: raise AssertionError( 'core__persistent_cache__gcs__url is None, ' 'but needs a value') return GcsCloudStore(gcs_url) else: return None @builder @decorators.immediate def core__persistent_cache( core__persistent_cache__local_store, core__persistent_cache__cloud_store, ): return PersistentCache( local_store=core__persistent_cache__local_store, cloud_store=core__persistent_cache__cloud_store, ) return builder._state.mark_all_providers_default()