Hello World

Let’s start with a very simple example: a Bionic flow that generates the text “Hello world!”

(The code for this example is available in the Bionic repo at example/hello_world.py.)

 1import bionic as bn
 3# Initialize the builder object we'll use to construct our flow.
 4builder = bn.FlowBuilder("hello_world")
 6# Define new entities "greeting" and "subject" with fixed values.
 7builder.assign("greeting", "Hello")
 8builder.assign("subject", "world")
11# Define a "message" entity, constructed by taking the values of "greeting" and
12# "subject" and combining them in a sentence.
13# The `@builder` decorator tells Bionic to define a new derived entity; Bionic
14# infers the name of the new entity ("message") and the names of its
15# dependencies ("greeting" and "subject").
17def message(greeting, subject):
18    return f"{greeting} {subject}!"
21# Assemble the flow object, which is capable of computing any of the entities
22# we've defined.
23flow = builder.build()
25if __name__ == "__main__":
26    # Use our flow to compute the message "Hello world!"
27    print(flow.get("message"))

We can run this code (assuming we’ve checked out the bionic repo) like this:

> cd bionic
> python example/hello_world.py
Hello world!

We can also import it in an interpreter or notebook:

# Configure the PYTHONPATH for this notebook.
import _tutorial_setup

from example.hello_world import flow
'Hello world!'

Although our flow object is immutable, we can easily make a new copy with a different value of subject:

new_flow = flow.setting('subject', 'universe')
'Hello universe!'

We can also try changing the message directly:

flow.setting('message', 'Goodbye world!').get('message')
'Goodbye world!'

As a convenience, setting and get can be called by an alternative syntax which makes it easier for your notebook or interpreter to autocomplete entity names:

'Hello universe!'

Finally, we can visualize our flow as a directed acyclic graph:


This flow doesn’t do much, but it illustrates how flows can be constructed, used, and modified. The next tutorial will demonstrate a more practical example.