Example ML Flow


We’ll consider a typical (but simplified) machine learning flow.

(The code for this example is available in the Bionic repo at example/ml_workflow.py. Run pip install 'bionic[examples]' to ensure you have the required dependencies.)

  2A toy ML workflow intended to demonstrate basic Bionic features.  Trains a
  3logistic regression model on the UCI ML Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)
  7import re
  9import pandas as pd
 10from sklearn import datasets, linear_model, metrics, model_selection
 12import bionic as bn
 14# Initialize our builder.
 15builder = bn.FlowBuilder("ml_workflow")
 17# Define some basic parameters.
 19    "random_seed", 0, doc="Arbitrary seed for all random decisions in the flow."
 22    "test_split_fraction", 0.3, doc="Fraction of data to include in test set."
 25    "hyperparams_dict", {"C": 1}, doc="Hyperparameters to use when training the model."
 28    "feature_inclusion_regex",
 29    ".*",
 30    doc="Regular expression specifying which feature names to include.",
 34# Load the raw data.
 36def raw_frame():
 37    """
 38    The raw data, including all features and a `target` column of labels.
 39    """
 40    dataset = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
 41    df = pd.DataFrame(data=dataset.data, columns=dataset.feature_names)
 42    df["target"] = dataset.target
 43    return df
 46# Select a subset of the columns to use as features.
 48def features_frame(raw_frame, feature_inclusion_regex):
 49    """Labeled data with a selected subset of the feature columns."""
 50    included_feature_cols = [
 51        col
 52        for col in raw_frame.columns.drop("target")
 53        if re.match(feature_inclusion_regex, col)
 54    ]
 55    return raw_frame[included_feature_cols + ["target"]]
 58# Split the data into train and test sets.
 60# The `@outputs` decorator tells Bionic to define two new entities from this
 61# function (which returns a tuple of two values).
 62@bn.outputs("train_frame", "test_frame")
 64    "Subset of feature data rows, used for model training.",
 65    "Subset of feature data rows, used for model testing.",
 67def split_raw_frame(features_frame, test_split_fraction, random_seed):
 68    return model_selection.train_test_split(
 69        features_frame,
 70        test_size=test_split_fraction,
 71        random_state=random_seed,
 72    )
 75# Fit a logistic regression model on the training data.
 77def model(train_frame, random_seed, hyperparams_dict):
 78    """A binary classifier sklearn model."""
 79    m = linear_model.LogisticRegression(
 80        solver="liblinear", random_state=random_seed, **hyperparams_dict
 81    )
 82    m.fit(train_frame.drop("target", axis=1), train_frame["target"])
 83    return m
 86# Predict probabilities for the test data.
 88def prediction_frame(model, test_frame):
 89    """
 90    A dataframe with one column, `proba`, containing predicted probabilities for the
 91    test data.
 92    """
 93    predictions = model.predict_proba(test_frame.drop("target", axis=1))[:, 1]
 94    df = pd.DataFrame()
 95    df["proba"] = predictions
 96    return df
 99# Evaluate the model's precision and recall over a range of threshold values.
101def precision_recall_frame(test_frame, prediction_frame):
102    """
103    A dataframe with three columns:
104    - `threshold`: a probability threshold for the model
105    - `precision`: the test set precision resulting from that threshold
106    - `recall`: the test set recall resulting from that threshold
107    """
108    precisions, recalls, thresholds = metrics.precision_recall_curve(
109        test_frame["target"],
110        prediction_frame["proba"],
111    )
113    df = pd.DataFrame()
114    df["threshold"] = [0] + list(thresholds) + [1]
115    df["precision"] = list(precisions) + [1]
116    df["recall"] = list(recalls) + [0]
118    return df
121# Plot the precision against the recall.
123# The `@pyplot` decorator makes the Matplotlib plotting context available to
124# our function, then translates our plot into an image object.
126# The `@gather` decorator collects the values of of "hyperparams_dict" and
127# "precision_recall_frame" into a single dataframe named "gathered_frame".
128# This might not seem very interesting since "gathered_frame" only has one row,
129# but it will become useful once we introduce multiplicity.
131    over="hyperparams_dict", also="precision_recall_frame", into="gathered_frame"
133def all_hyperparams_pr_plot(gathered_frame, plt):
134    """
135    A plot of precision against recall.  Includes one curve for each set of
136    hyperparameters.
137    """
138    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
139    for row in gathered_frame.itertuples():
140        label = ", ".join(
141            f"{key}={value}" for key, value in row.hyperparams_dict.items()
142        )
143        row.precision_recall_frame.plot(x="recall", y="precision", label=label, ax=ax)
144    ax.set_xlabel("Recall")
145    ax.set_ylabel("Precision")
148# Assemble our flow object.
149flow = builder.build()

Let’s start by importing the flow into a notebook and visualizing it.

from example.ml_workflow import flow


This is still a toy example, but it demonstrates a classic supervised machine learning flow for binary classification:

  • Load data (raw_frame)

  • Clean it (features_frame)

  • Split into training and test sets (train_frame and test_frame)

  • Fit a model on the training data (model)

  • Evaluate the model on the test data (predictions_frame, precision_recall_frame)

  • Visualize the model’s performance (all_hyperparams_pr_plot)

As in the previous example, we can access any of the entity values. However, this time we’ll enable logging so we can see every entity that Bionic computes.

import logging; logging.basicConfig(level='INFO', format='%(message)s')

Accessed   random_seed(random_seed=0) from definition
Accessed   test_split_fraction(test_split_fraction=0.3) from definition
Accessed   feature_inclusion_regex(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2) from definition
Computing  raw_frame() ...
Computed   raw_frame()
Computing  features_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2) ...
Computed   features_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2)
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
mean radius mean texture mean perimeter mean area mean smoothness mean compactness mean concavity mean concave points mean symmetry mean fractal dimension ... worst texture worst perimeter worst area worst smoothness worst compactness worst concavity worst concave points worst symmetry worst fractal dimension target
478 11.490 14.59 73.99 404.9 0.10460 0.08228 0.05308 0.01969 0.1779 0.06574 ... 21.90 82.04 467.6 0.1352 0.2010 0.25960 0.07431 0.2941 0.09180 1
303 10.490 18.61 66.86 334.3 0.10680 0.06678 0.02297 0.01780 0.1482 0.06600 ... 24.54 70.76 375.4 0.1413 0.1044 0.08423 0.06528 0.2213 0.07842 1
155 12.250 17.94 78.27 460.3 0.08654 0.06679 0.03885 0.02331 0.1970 0.06228 ... 25.22 86.60 564.2 0.1217 0.1788 0.19430 0.08211 0.3113 0.08132 1
186 18.310 18.58 118.60 1041.0 0.08588 0.08468 0.08169 0.05814 0.1621 0.05425 ... 26.36 139.20 1410.0 0.1234 0.2445 0.35380 0.15710 0.3206 0.06938 0
101 6.981 13.43 43.79 143.5 0.11700 0.07568 0.00000 0.00000 0.1930 0.07818 ... 19.54 50.41 185.2 0.1584 0.1202 0.00000 0.00000 0.2932 0.09382 1

5 rows × 31 columns

Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from definition
Accessed   train_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from in-memory cache
Accessed   random_seed(random_seed=0) from in-memory cache
Computing  model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Loaded     test_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
generated new fontManager
Computed   all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>

Note that in the logs, each entity is computed exactly once – every value is cached both in memory and on disk to avoid redundant computation.

Changing Inputs

Now that we have our flow, we might want to experiment with different parameter settings. For example, we can try changing our regularization hyperparameter C:

flow.setting('hyperparams_dict', {'C': 10}).get.all_hyperparams_pr_plot()
Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from definition
Loaded     train_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from disk cache
Loaded     random_seed(random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) ...
Computed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282)
Loaded     test_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) ...
Computed   prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282)
Computing  precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) ...
Computed   precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282)
Computing  all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>

Bionic re-runs the flow with the changed parameter, generating a new plot.

Since we’ve created a new copy of our flow, Bionic doesn’t try to reuse its in-memory cache. However, we can see it that it only recomputed those entities whose values changed – the others were loaded from disk.

Similarly, we can try training our model on a subset of the available features:

flow.setting('feature_inclusion_regex', 'mean.*').get.all_hyperparams_pr_plot()
Accessed   feature_inclusion_regex(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6) from definition
Loaded     raw_frame() from disk cache
Computing  features_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6) ...
Computed   features_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6)
Loaded     test_split_fraction(test_split_fraction=0.3) from disk cache
Loaded     random_seed(random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
Loaded     hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from disk cache
Computing  model(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=mean.._a0ed126bd6, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>

Naturally, reducing the number of features makes the model perform worse.

We can also apply this flow to a completely different dataset, such as the UCI ML Wine dataset. (This is actually a multiclass dataset, but to match the original example we’ll use binary labels.)

from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd

wine_data = datasets.load_wine()
wine_frame = pd.DataFrame(
wine_frame['target'] = (wine_data['target'] == 0)

wine_flow = flow.setting('raw_frame', wine_frame)
Accessed   raw_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4) from definition
Loaded     feature_inclusion_regex(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2) from disk cache
Computing  features_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2) ...
Computed   features_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2)
Loaded     test_split_fraction(test_split_fraction=0.3) from disk cache
Loaded     random_seed(random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
Computing  (train_frame, test_frame)(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   (train_frame, test_frame)(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
Loaded     hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from disk cache
Computing  model(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   model(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  prediction_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   prediction_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  precision_recall_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) ...
Computed   precision_recall_frame(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc)
Computing  all_hyperparams_pr_plot(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   all_hyperparams_pr_plot(raw_frame=40e4b932f4, feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>


Now we have a flow for evaluating any given set of parameters. But usually we want to compare multiple variations at once, within a single flow. Bionic lets us do this by setting multiple values for a single entity:

flow3 = flow.setting('hyperparams_dict', values=[{'C': 0.1}, {'C': 1}, {'C': 10}])
Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) from definition
Loaded     train_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from disk cache
Loaded     random_seed(random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) ...
Computed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664)
Loaded     test_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) from disk cache
Computing  prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) ...
Computed   prediction_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664)
Computing  precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) ...
Computed   precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664)
Loaded     hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from disk cache
Loaded     precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from disk cache
Loaded     hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from disk cache
Loaded     precision_recall_frame(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from disk cache
Computing  all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0) ...
Computed   all_hyperparams_pr_plot(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>

Here we can see the PR curves for each of three hyperparameter configurations. But how did this work? Let’s start by visualizing the dependency graph of our new flow:

Accessed   core__flow_name(core__flow_name=ml_workflow) from in-memory cache

When we specify multiple values for an entity, Bionic creates multiple instances of that entity and of all downstream entities. If there are three instances of hyperparams_dict, there must also be three instances of model and precision_recall_frame.

However, we can also see that there is only one instance of all_hyperparams_plot_pr. This is because we used the @gather decorator when defining this entity: Bionic has aggregated all the variations of hyperparameters_dict and precision_recall_frame into a single frame, so they can be plotted together.

Now, because we have three different model instances, it no longer makes sense to request “the” model:

except Exception as e:
    caught_exception = e
Accessed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) from in-memory cache
Loaded     model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from disk cache
Loaded     model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from disk cache
ValueError("Entity 'model' has multiple values")

If we want to access an entity with multiple values, we need to tell Bionic what data structure to use to aggregate them:

Accessed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) from in-memory cache
Accessed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from in-memory cache
Accessed   model(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2, test_split_fraction=0.3, random_seed=0, hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from in-memory cache
Loaded     feature_inclusion_regex(feature_inclusion_regex=_.._12aca9f6a2) from disk cache
Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=516eeb1664) from in-memory cache
Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=49b64ab8bc) from in-memory cache
Accessed   hyperparams_dict(hyperparams_dict=dcec991282) from in-memory cache
Accessed   random_seed(random_seed=0) from in-memory cache
Loaded     test_split_fraction(test_split_fraction=0.3) from disk cache
feature_inclusion_regex  hyperparams_dict  random_seed  test_split_fraction
W(.*)                    W({'C': 0.1})     W(0)         W(0.3)                 LogisticRegression(C=0.1, random_state=0, solv...
                         W({'C': 1})       W(0)         W(0.3)                 LogisticRegression(C=1, random_state=0, solver...
                         W({'C': 10})      W(0)         W(0.3)                 LogisticRegression(C=10, random_state=0, solve...
Name: model, dtype: object

Extended Multiplicity

We can apply the same approach to any number of entities:

flow6 = flow3.setting('feature_inclusion_regex', values=['.*', 'mean.*'])
Accessed   core__flow_name(core__flow_name=ml_workflow) from in-memory cache

Here we can see that each entity’s multiplicity is propagated through the entire graph. For example, there are two train_frame nodes and two test_frame nodes, because those depend on feature_inclusion_regex but not on hyperparams_dict. However, there are six model nodes, because there are six (two times three) combinations of train_frame and hyperparams_dict.

We can also see two instances of all_hyperparams_pr_plot, corresponding to the two instances of feature_inclusion_regex. This illustrates another nuance of how we used @gather: we asked Bionic to include every variation of hyperparams_dict, along with the associated values of precision_recall_frame. If we had used

    over=['hyperparams_dict', 'feature_inclusion_regex'],
def all_variations_pr_plot(...):

then all the values would be gathered into a single frame, and there would be one single plot node.

Wrapping Up

This tutorial has illustrated four topics:

  1. How to use Bionic to assemble a more complex data science flow.

  2. How Bionic uses caching to avoid redundant computation.

  3. How to repurpose an existing flow to use new parameters or data.

  4. How to use multiplicity to compare several variations within a single flow.

These concepts should be enough to get started building real flows. The next section of the documentation will discuss the underlying concepts in Bionic.